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Autor: Villarroya i Serafini, Agustí ; Nadal Roquet-Jalmar, Montserrat ; Puiggròs i Jové, Josep Maria ; Giralt i Vidal, Lluís ; Rovira Grau, Joan Maria ; Domingo i Gustems, Carme

Grapes : the principal Catalan varieties : history, cultivation and wines / Agustí Villarroya, Montserrat Nadal, Josep M. Puiggròs, Lluís Giralt, Joan Rovira and Carme Domingo ; Josep Maria Puiggròs, Xavier Fornos and Jordina Escala, editors

Data d'edició: 2019
Descripció física: 179 p. : il·l. col. ; 24 cm
Entitats: Institució Catalana d'Estudis Agraris
VINSEUM Museu de les Cultures del Vi de Catalunya
ISBN: 978-84-16445-45-5
Editorial: IEC [coedició amb] : Edicions i Propostes Culturals Andana ; Vinseum
Enllaç: Edicions i Propostes Culturals Andana, SL


Grapes is a collaborative piece of work that has been puttogether by six specialists from different areas within theworld of the vineyard and wine. Representing the sum oftheir knowledge, this manual deals with one of our most cherishedand important Mediterranean crops. While there areother publications that deal with vines, wines and winemakingfrom a technical point of view, it is not often - as is thecase with this book - that elements of history and culture arealso included. Despite the fact that the twelve varieties included in thismanual also appear in other parts of the winemaking world,they remain our very own autochthonous, traditional Catalanvarieties. We hope that this book is useful for vine growers, producers,winemakers and, above all, all of those wine lovers whowant to discover something new about the varieties andwines that make up such an important part of our country.

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