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Referència: 67842

Autor: Güell Cargol, Marc

New Synthetic Biological Functions and their Implications for the Present and Future of Society [Recurs electrònic]

Data d'edició: 2021
Descripció física: 30 p.
Entitats: Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Secció de Ciències Biològiques
ISBN: 978-84-9965-634-2
DOI: 10.2436/10.1500.05.1
Col·lecció: Premi de la Secció de Ciències Biològiques ; 3
Editorial: IEC
Enllaç: Versió catalana


Synthetic biology finds itself in the midst of an era characterized by veritable exponential growth. The rapid evolution undergone by genomic technologies enables us to interact with life by employing the language of life itself – deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The advances made in sequencing have greatly expanded our understanding of the biosphere while the quantum leap in writing technologies have greatly boosted our ability to engineer living systems. Indeed, the feedback achieved between DNA reading and writing has served to further accelerate this technological revolution. Basic science has, as a result, received a major boost, providing it with a much better understanding of the fundamentals of biology and enabling it to propose new solutions to the challenges faced by humanity today. The engineering of living systems is providing new therapeutic solutions that are set to impact a growing number of patients. However, the revolution extends beyond the provision of such therapies as it sets in motion the reinvention of many key sectors, including information storage, food production, the development of new biomaterials and the generation of more environmentally friendly industri al processes. Synthetic biology offers multiple possibilities to address the greatest challenges that the world faces today. The advances being recorded constitute fundamental components of what is being called the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ and which is driving progress in guaranteeing the future health of humanity and of our planet.

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