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Referència: 72984
Volum: 9 : núm. 1
Data d´edició: 2024
ISSN (format digital): 2385-4227
Descripció física: 104 p.
Editorial: IEC
Altres números:
(PDF) 9 : núm. 1
(PDF) 8 : núm. 1
(PDF) 7 : Núm. 1
(PDF) 6 : Núm. 1
(PDF) 5 : Núm. 1
(PDF) 4 : Núm. 1, 2018
(PDF) 3 : Núm. 1, 2017
(PDF) 2 : Núm. 1, 2016
(PDF) 1 : Núm. 1, octubre 2014
Obra digital
A random walk approach to Stochastic Calculus
Boukfal Lazaar, Salim
Keywords: Brownian motion, random walk, stochastic integral, stochastic differential equation, Langevin.
P. 1-9
Extensions of the Calderón-Zygmund theory
Ramis Vich, Bernat
Keywords: singular integrals, Calderón–Zygmund, maximal functions.
P. 11-20
Survey on optimal isosystolic inequalities on the real projective plane
Lejarza Alonso, Unai
Keywords: real projective plane, systole, isosystolic inequality, Riemannian metric, Finsler metric, Busemann–Hausdorff area, Holmes–Thompson area.
P. 21-30
Properties of triangular partitions and their generalizations
Galván, Alejandro B.
Keywords: enumerative combinatorics, geometric combinatorics, triangular partitions, balanced words.
P. 31-40
Algebraic topology of finite topological spaces
Subirà Cribillers, Merlès
Keywords: finite topological spaces, partially ordered sets (posets), Hasse diagrams, homotopy theory, minimal spaces, simplicial complexes.
P. 41-52
Bernstein-Sato theory for linearly square-free polynomials in positive characteristic
López Sancha, Pedro
Keywords: Bernstein–Sato theory, positive characteristic, test ideals, Fjumping numbers, Bernstein–Sato roots, linearly square-free polynomials.
P. 53-64
A promenade through singular symplectic geometry
Nicolás Martínez, Pablo
Keywords: Poisson geometry, reduction, minimal coupling, Lie algebroid.
P. 65-76
On the behaviour of Hodge spectral exponents of plane branches
Gómez López, Roger
Keywords: Hodge spectral exponents, plane curve singularities, Puiseux pairs, limit distribution, characteristic function, jumping numbers.
P. 77-86
Extended abstracts
An introduction to stochastic integration
Boukfal Lazaar, Salim
Keywords: Brownian motion, Gaussian process, white noise, martingale, stochastic integral, convergence in law.
Stochastic differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion
Burés, Òscar
Keywords: fractional Brownian motion, stochastic differential equations, Malliavin calculus.
Regularity of Lipschitz free boundaries in the Alt-Caffarelli problem
Domingo Pasarin, Joan
Keywords: partial differential equations, free boundary problems, Alt– Caffarelli problem, Lipschitz regularity.
Spectral gap of generalized MIT bag models
Duran i Lamiel, Joaquim
Keywords: Dirac operator, spectral theory, MIT bag model, shape optimization, resolvent convergence.
Unifying framework for decision-making dynamics: optimal control and infinite horizon perspectives
Ferrús Marimón, Flàvia
Keywords: motor control, decision-making, proprioception, optimal feedback control (OFC).
Moduli of plane branches with a single characteristic exponent
Leyva Elola-Olaso, María de
Keywords: analytic classification, stratification, Jacobian ideal.
Geometric methods in monogenic extensions
Pedret, Francesc
Keywords: monogenity, diophantine equations, elliptic curves, Galois
On the basins of attraction of root-finding algorithms
Rosado Rodríguez, David
Keywords: dynamical systems, root-finding algorithms, Newton’s method, Traub’s method.