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Volum: 12-2 : december 2016 : Thematic issue on Activities of the Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub 2013-2016
Data d´edició: 2017 []
ISSN (format paper): 1575-6343
ISSN (format digital): 2013-410X
Descripció física: P. 80-149 : ilˇl. col. ; 28 cm
Editorial: IEC
Altres números:
(PDF) 13-1 : june 2017
(PDF) 12-2 : december 2016 : Thematic issue on Activities of the Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub 2013-2016
(PDF) 12-1 : june 2016
(PDF) 11-2 : december 2015 : Thematic issue on Non-equilibrium physics
(PDF) 11- 1 : June 2015
(PDF) 10-2 : Thematic issue on water research in the Mediterranean
(PDF) 10-1
(PDF) 9-2
(PDF) 9-1
(PDF) 8-2
(PDF) 8-1
(PDF) 7-2
(PDF) 7-1
(PDF) 6-2 : International Year of Chemistry 2011 : special issue
(PDF) 6-1
(PDF) 5-2
(PDF) 5-1
(PDF) 4-2 : Nanoscience and nanotechnology research in Catalonia : Special Issue / N. Ferrer-Anglada, Guest editor
(PDF) 4-1
(PDF) 3-4
(PDF) 3-3 : Paleoclimatology research in Catalonia : special issue / A. Rosell-Melé, guest editor
(PDF) 3-2
(PDF) 3-1 : Analytical nanoscience and nanotechnology in Catalonia
(PDF) 2-4
(PDF) 2-3
(PDF) 2-2
(PDF) 2-1
(PDF) 1-4
(PDF) 1-3
(PDF) 1-2
(PDF) 1-1
Foreword/Presentation of the issue
"Spread eastwards along the old sea". The accomplishment of an idea: the AE-Barcelona Knowledge Hub
Guerrero i Moreno, Ricard
Mas-Colell, Andreu
Keywords: Barcelona Knowledge Hub ˇ Academia Europaeas hubs ˇ Disputatio of Barcelona
Activities of the AE-BKH
Distinguished lectures at the AE-BKH
Arab Spring or long desolate Arab Winter?
El-Awady, Nadia
Keywords: Arab Spring ˇ Mohamed Bouazizi (Tunis, 2010) ˇ Egyptian revolution of 2011 ˇ Khaled Saeed (Alexandria 2010) ˇ Tahrir Square (Cairo)
Migrations of meaning: Women, translation, visibility, invisibility
Newman, Mary Ann
Keywords: language ˇ meaning ˇ translation ˇ interpretation
Intersection workshops at the AE-BKH
The Mediterranen, bridge of cultures. Lectures at the AE-BKH in 2014
Skinner, Nicole
Keywords: Barcelona Knowledge Hub of the Academia Europaea (AE-BKH) ˇ Ramon Llull (12321316) ˇ Messinian salinity crisis ˇ Mediterranean deltas ˇ global cities
Alexandria: History and culture
Chica, Carmen
Keywords: Alexander the Great (356323 BC) ˇ Hypatia (ca. 355415) ˇ Constantine Cavafy (18631933) ˇ Bibliotheca Alexandrina ˇ Mediterranean Sea
Barcelona Dialogue: A Collaborative Project between Northeastern University, Boston and the AE-BKH
Costa-Guix, Xavier
Keywords: Northeastern University ˇ Barcelona Knowledge Hub ˇ Dialogue cooperative project ˇ Creativity, Innovation and Design ˇ Architecture university teaching