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> Botiga
Referència: 2553
Volum: 2-2
Data d´edició: 2002
ISSN (format paper): 1575-6343
ISSN (format digital): 2013-410X
Descripció física: 293 p. ; 30 cm
Editorial: IEC
Altres números:
Research Reviews
Expression, structure and evolution of H1 linker histones
Vila, Roger
; Suau, Pere
; Ponte, Imma
Keywords: Chromatin, histone H1, expression, structure, evolution
Immanuel Kant versus the Princes of Serendip: Does science evolve through blind chance or intelligent design?
Glashow, Sheldon Lee
Enric Casassas memorial lecture 2002: Some highlights and perceptions of analytical chemistry
Thomas, J.D.R.
Keywords: Analytical Chemistry, image, education, teaching, research, prospects.
Biography and Bibliography