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Preserving Identity : 11th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Historic Stained Glass : Girona - Barcelona, 7-9 July 2022 / Organized by the Catalan Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum in Association with the International Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass (ISCCSG)
Data d'edició: 2022
Descripció física: 200 p. : il·l. ; 30 cm
Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Publicacions vinculades
ISBN: 978-84-09-39805-8
Editorial: Corpus Vitrearum Catalunya
Publicat amb el suport de /Book sponsored by: Diputació de Girona
Obra digital
1.1 Schutzverglasung: ein thermodynamischer Rückblick auf die letzten 30 Jahre, Erfolge, Misserfolge und Schlussfolgerungen für zukünftige Projekte
Daams, Hans-Jürgen
; Robrecht, Michael
2.4. Narrative from nonsense: qüestions of identity in the St Cuthbert window, York Minster
Harrison, Katharine
3.4 A new isothermal system that avoids the cold bridge between the external and internal glazing (a solution specifically designed for the extreme weather conditions)
Macinnes, Rob
4.2 Documentation and reconstruction of the depiction of the virgin Mary in the 15th-Century stained-glass window of the Annunciation from the dominican monastery in Kraków
Bernady, Edyta
FP. 2: Challenges with the exhibition of stained glass: a discussion among researches, conservators, and craftspersons
Raguin, Virginia C.
FP. 4: Preserving idols in stained glass: conservation assessment of Napier Waller's stained-glass Windows at the Australian War Memorial
Jordan, Jacqueline
Appendix - Apéndice - Anhang - Apèndix
Text en català de les Directrius per a la conservació i restauració de vitralls (Corpus Vitrearum/ICOMOS, segona edició, Nuremberg 2004)