IEC Portal de publicacions > Novetats editorials

Referència: 45782
Contributions to science

Enllaį: ISSUU
Volum: 7-1
Data d´edició: 2011
ISSN (format paper): 1575-6343
ISSN (format digital): 2013-410X
Descripció física: 89 p. : ilˇl. ; 30 cm
Editorial: IEC

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Distinguished lectures

Evolution at the ecosystem level: On the evolution of ecosystem patterns
Levin, Simon A.
Matèries:   Margalef, Ramon - Premis
Biologia de poblacions
Mots clau: Ramon Margalef ∙ biologia de poblacions ∙ cičncia dels ecosistemes ∙ sostenibilitat ∙ dināmica ecolōgica i evolutiva.
Keywords: Ramon Margalef ∙ population biology ∙ ecosystems science ∙ sustainability ∙ ecological and evolutionary dynamics.

P. 11-16
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Climate change on a live Earth
Lovelock, James E.
Matèries:   Canvis climātics
Premi Fonseca
Gaia, Hipōtesi de
Mots clau: teoria de Gaia ∙ canvi climātic ∙ escalfament global ∙ Grup Intergovernamental d’Experts sobre el Canvi Climātic (GIECC) ∙ cičncia del sistema terrestre.
Keywords: Gaia theory ∙ climate change ∙ global warming ∙ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ∙ Earth System Science.

P. 17-20
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Natural archives, changing climates
Bradley, Raymond S.
Matèries:   Canvis climātics
Mots clau: paleoclimatologia ∙ arxius naturals ∙ nuclis de gel ∙ anells dels arbres ∙ estalagmites ∙ sediments lacustres ∙ restes arqueolōgiques ∙ efectes socials.
Keywords: paleoclimatology ∙ natural archives ∙ ice cores ∙ tree rings ∙ stalagmites ∙ lake sediments ∙ archeological remains ∙ societal effects.

P. 21-25
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Can we be confident with climate models?
Llebot i Rabagliati, Josep Enric
Matèries:   Canvis climātics
Mots clau: Models climātics ∙ sistema climātic ∙ canvi climātic antropogčnic ∙ Grup Intergovernamental d’Experts sobre el Canvi Climātic (GIECC).
Keywords: Climate models ∙ climate system ∙ anthropogenic climate change ∙ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

P. 27-35
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Biodiversity: Origin, function and threats
Ros i Aragončs, Joandomčnec
Matèries:   Any Internacional de la Biodiversitat, 2010
Biodiversitat - Conservaciķ
Mots clau: biodiversitat ∙ ecodiversitat ∙ sostenibilitat ∙ Any Internacional de la Biodiversitat.
Keywords: biodiversity ∙ ecodiversity ∙ sustainability ∙ International Year of Biodiversity.

P. 37-44
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Where do we stand on global warming?
Bradley, Raymond S.
Matèries:   Escalfament global
Mots clau: escalfament global ∙ Grup Intergovernamental d’Experts sobre el Canvi Climātic (IPCC) ∙ oscilˇlaciķ ārtica ∙ nivells dels gasos d’efecte hivernacle ∙ canvis fenolōgics.
Keywords: global warming ∙ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ∙ Arctic Oscillation ∙ levels of greenhouse gasses ∙ phenological changes.

P. 45-49
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The immediate future: challenges and scales
Folch i Guillčn, Ramon
Matèries:   Canvis climātics
Mots clau: dimensions escalars ˇ reptes categōrics ˇ societat del coneixement ˇ relaciķ cost-eficācia ˇ eficičncia ˇ valor dels serveis socio-ambientals ˇ sostenibilitat global.
Keywords: scalar levels ˇ categorical challenges ˇ knowledge society ˇ cost-efficacy ratio ˇ efficiency ˇ value of socioenvironmental services ˇ global sustainability.

P. 51-55
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Energy from hydrogen. Hydrogen from renewable fuels for portable applications
Llorca, Jordi
Matèries:   Hidrogen - Producciķ
Hidrogen com a combustible
Mots clau: energia ˇ hidrogen ˇ catalitzador ˇ microreactor.
Keywords: energy ˇ hydrogen ˇ catalyst ˇ microreactor.

P. 57-64
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Global climate change in the Spanish media: How the conservative press portayed Al Gore's initiative
Gozzer, Stefania ; Domínguez Romero, Martí
Matèries:   Gore, Al. An inconvenient Truth (Una veritat incōmoda)
Canvis climātics
Mots clau: Al Gore ˇ canvi climātic ˇ mitjans de comunicaciķ espanyols ˇ escepticisme climātic ˇ An Inconvenient Truth (Una veritat incōmoda) ˇ columnistes a Espanya.
Keywords: Al Gore ˇ climate change ˇ Spanish media ˇ climate skepticism ˇ An Inconvenient Truth ˇ Spanish columnists.

P. 65-70
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Some salmon-colored keywords regarding various aspects of chemistry
Alegret i Sanromā, Salvador
Matèries:   Comunicaciķ científica
Científics - Aspectes čtics i morals

P. 71-76
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Historical corner

Margalida Comas Camps (1892-1972): Scientist and science educator
Ryan, Charly
Matèries:   Comas Camps, Margalida - Biografia
Dones en la cičncia

P. 77-84
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Biography and bibliography

Dades de l´usuari/āria