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Volum: 2 : issue 3/4 (2012)
Data d´edició: 2012
ISSN (format paper): 2014-1572
ISSN (format digital): 2014-1564
Descripció física: 192 p. ; 24 cm
Editorial: Huygens
Altres números:
(PDF) 5 : issue 9/10 (2015)
(PDF) 4 : issue 7/8 (2014)
(PDF) 3 : issue 5/6 (2013)
(PDF) 2 : issue 3/4 (2012)
(PDF) 1 : issue 1/2 (2011)
Issue 3 : Articles
Democracy and Dictatorship among the Catalan Intelligentsia: the Matteotti Affair and the Reflections of Francesc Cambó
Cattini, Giovanni C.
Keywords: Fascism, Democracy, Dictatorship, Nationalism, Intellectuals, Catalonia.
Jaume Miravitlles and Marxism: a Twentieth-Century Voyage
Pujol i Casademont, Enric
Keywords: Leninism, the avant-garde, Salvador Dalí, the Workers’ and Peasants’ Bloc (Bloc Obrer i Camperol), the Republican Left of Catalonia (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya), the Civil War, the Propaganda Commissariat (Comissariat de Propaganda), exile, cold war, historiography, political thought.
Josep Lluís Blasco, politician and philosopher
Gómez-Soler, Sílvia
Keywords: Josep-Lluís Blasco, Catalan Philosophy, Analytical Philosophy, Epistemology
The philosophy of Josep Lluís Blasco. The transcendental view
Luque Martín, Víctor J.
Keywords: Transcendentalism, metaphysics, Wittgenstein, logical positivism, Quine, analytical philosophy, naturalism, Kant.
Issue 3 : Life-writing
A Text by Capuchin friar Miquel d'Esplugues on the irreverent Cristòfor de Domènech (1879-1927)
Esplugues, Miquel d'
Issue 3 : Bio-bibliography
Issue 3 : Review
Carles Rahola,
Breviari de Ciutadania. La pena de mort a Girona [Edition and prologue by Josep-Maria Terricabras], Girona: CCG Edicions i Fundació Valvi, 2009.
Monserrat i Molas, Josep
Josep-Maria Terricabras (ed.),
El pensament d'Eugeni d'Ors , Girona, Documenta Universitaria, 2010.
Cabó, Joan
Josep Ma. Terricabras (ed.),
La filosofia d'Eduard Nicol . Girona: Documenta Universitaria, 2010.
Cuscó i Clarasó, Joan
Issue 4 : Articles
Ramon Martí d'Eixalà and the Nineteenth-Century Catalan Philosophical and Legal School
Vilajosana, Josep Maria
Keywords: Ramon Martí d’Eixalà, philosophy of common sense, Catalan School of Philosophy, Catalan Legal School, Catalan law.
English liberalism in Catalonia at the beginning of the nineteenth century: Manuel Casamada i Comella
Roviró i Alemany, Ignasi
Keywords: Hugh Blair, Manuel Casamada, the beautiful, the sublime, Catalan aesthetics.
The Influence of French aesthetics on Francesc Mirabent
Carcasó i Díaz, Jordi
Keywords: Francesc Mirabent, French aesthetics.
Frederic Riu and Kant's
Critique: Hegel in the Mirror World
Pagallo, Giulio F.
Keywords: Frederic Riu, Federico Riu, Catalan philosophy, Venezuelan philosophy, exile, phenomenology.
Issue 4 : Life-writing
Issue 4 : Bio-bibliography
Issue 4 : Review
Jaume Serra Hunter,
Escrits sobre la història de la filosofia catalana , Barcelona: Publicacions de la Facultat de Filosofia-Universitat Ramon Llull, 2011.
Torres, Vicent