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> Novetats editorials
Referència: 2411
Volum: 1-4
Data d´edició: 2000
ISSN (format paper): 1575-6343
ISSN (format digital): 2013-410X
Descripció física: 550 p. ; 30 cm
Editorial: IEC
Altres números:
Research reviews
Quantum theory of QSAR
Besalú i Llorà, Emili
; Carbó-Dorca, Ramon
Keywords: Tagged sets and vector semispaces, electronic and kinetic energy density functions, extended Hilbert and Sobolev spaces, quantum
Research reviews
Wastewater treatment improvement through an intelligent integrated supervisory system
Baeza Labat, Juan Antonio
; Comas, J.
; Poch, Manel
; Sànchez i Marrè, Miquel
; Cortés, Ulises
; Lafuente, J.
; Roda, I.R.
Keywords: Biological wastewater treatment, activated sludge, knowledge-based systems, supervision, environmental decision support systems.
Catalonia, the European Massachusetts, is it realistic?
Franco, Rafael
Institute for Space Studies of Catalonia
Biography and Bibliography