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FP. 1: La restauration des vitraux de la chapelle royale du Château de Versailles
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 Autor/a: Loisel, Claudine ; Trichereau, Barbara ; Touron, Stéphanie
 Matèria:   Vitralls - Conservació i restauració
Palau de Versalles (França)
 Publicació: Preserving Identity : 11th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Historic Stained Glass : Girona - Barcelona, 7-9 July 2022 / Organized by the Catalan Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum in Association with the International Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass (ISCCSG)
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FP. 3: La conservation préventive des vitraux : la verrière de protection
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 Autor/a: Rellier, Adèle ; Trichereau, Barbara ; Loisel, Claudine
 Matèria:   Vitralls - Conservació i restauració
 Publicació: Preserving Identity : 11th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Historic Stained Glass : Girona - Barcelona, 7-9 July 2022 / Organized by the Catalan Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum in Association with the International Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass (ISCCSG)
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2.2 The Use of particle sccelerator analysis to identify the origin and production processes of the 16th-Century stained-glass windows at St Mary's Cathedral in Auch
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 Autor/a: Trichereau, Barbara ; Loisel, Claudine ; Gatouillat, Françoise ; Hérold, Michel
 Matèria:   Acceleradors de partícules
Catedral de Santa Maria d'Aush (França)
Vitralls - França - S. XVI
 Publicació: Preserving Identity : 11th Forum for the Conservation and Technology of Historic Stained Glass : Girona - Barcelona, 7-9 July 2022 / Organized by the Catalan Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum in Association with the International Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Stained Glass (ISCCSG)
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