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> Botiga
Referència: 2228
Volum: 1-2
Data d´edició: 2000
ISSN (format paper): 1575-6343
ISSN (format digital): 2013-410X
Descripció física: 258 p. ; 30 cm
Editorial: IEC
Altres números:
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(PDF) 12-2 : december 2016 : Thematic issue on Activities of the Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub 2013-2016
(PDF) 12-1 : june 2016
(PDF) 11-2 : december 2015 : Thematic issue on Non-equilibrium physics
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(PDF) 6-2 : International Year of Chemistry 2011 : special issue
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(PDF) 5-2
(PDF) 5-1
(PDF) 4-2 : Nanoscience and nanotechnology research in Catalonia : Special Issue / N. Ferrer-Anglada, Guest editor
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(PDF) 3-4
(PDF) 3-3 : Paleoclimatology research in Catalonia : special issue / A. Rosell-Melé, guest editor
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(PDF) 2-4
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(PDF) 2-2
(PDF) 2-1
(PDF) 1-4
(PDF) 1-3
(PDF) 1-2
Research reviews
Arithmetical problems in number fields, abelian varieties and modular forms
Bayer i Isant, Pilar
Keywords: Number field, L-function, Galois group, quadratic form, modular form, modular curve, elliptic curve, Galois representation, abel
Crustal accretion at mid-ocean ridges and backarc spreading centers: Insights from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Bransfield Basin and the North Fiji Basin
Escartín, Javier
Gràcia i Mont, Eulàlia
Keywords: Oceanic crust, spreading ridge, backarc, segmentation, faulting, volcanism
The catalan process for the direct production of malleable iron and its spread to Europe and the Americas
Tomàs, Estanislau
The Supercomputing Center of Catalonia
Historial corner