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> Botiga
Referència: 11209
Volum: 2-4
Data d´edició: 2005
ISSN (format paper): 1575-6343
ISSN (format digital): 2013-410X
Descripció física: 606 p. ; il·l. ; 30 cm
Editorial: IEC
Altres números:
Research reviews
Carbon sequestration in Mediterranean ecosystems: critical aspects related to plant respiration, wildfires and nitrogen budget
Vallejo Calzada, Victoriano Ramón
; Fleck i Bou, Isabel
; Azcón-Bieto, Joaquim
; Rovira i Castellà, Pere
Keywords: Climate change, carbon sequestration, plant respiration, Mediterranean, wildfires, nitrogen, resprouting
The Role of dust in abrupt climate change: insights from offshore Northwest Africa and Alboran Sea sediments records
Canals i Artigas, Miquel
; Moreno Caballud, Ana
Keywords: Eolian dust, abrupt climate change, paleoclimatology, marine sediment record
Different forms of the double helix: architecture and function
Rich, Alexander
Historical corner
Biography and Bibliography